Hi all, I haven't updated in so long, I'll be lucky if any of you look at this again. So months have gone by and my babies just keep getting bigger and stronger, and much more mobile...Carter is very close to walking on his own, he walks holding on to anything. Abbi is crawling good now, and standing up on her own, then falling down and finds it funny. She is starting to walk with help..Austin is talking so much better all the time. On the phone it's still hard to understand him sometimes, but in person he is very understandable. He is just growing up, mentally that is, he is still so tiny and petite for a boy. We hope Abbi ends up that way, for she is a chunky now..hee hee...I got to spend all of Oct. with Amy and Bryan and the kids, then the last week, included Halloween and Carter's birthday out in Calif. at Grant and Ash's house for a good week..Amy and kids went with me and Bryan flew in later. Hectic household, but wonderful..I love the early mornings when babies get up and I can go get them out of bed, course Austin walks out himself, and then we all play together while their lazy moms take advantage of grammy being there to do it..ha ha ha..I love it.
This is the end of Thanksgiving weekend, and Lynn and I drove up to Kansas to spend the holiday with his family. Sister and family, and mom and dad. Dad is good, but has no get-up-and-go. Poor appetite, and sleeps alot, but still no pain...Thank you Lord...We had a wonderful weekend together.
Now I just wait for the kids. I will fly out on Dec. 11th and drive back here with Amy and babies...then Grant and Ash fly in on Dec. 20th..we will all go up to Kansas for Christmas too, and Bryan will fly in on Xmas eve...so we will all be together with Lynn's family this year. Dad is really excited about that. We all are. Then kids will come back down to Tx. with us, and spend thru the new year here. Yeah for me!!!! Those babies change so fast, in 2 weeks, they will be doing something else new. Well, I won't update again till after the new year...So Blessed Christmas to everyone, and enjoy the few pic's that I added....Happy New Year...