Update for the Spring of 2009
Well, as most of you know, Amy and the 2 kids have been living with Lynn and I now since Christmas. It has truly been a Blessing and a Hardship at the same time if that is possible. We have loved having them here, yet hated it when I had to get mad and discipline...Austin. He is the most Precious, Infuriating 3 1/2 yr. old..So when grandparents don't live with their babies, they are always just precious, but then those times when you are together 24/7 for months at a time, let's just say, sometimes he is not always Precious!!! And little Miss Abbi, we have seen so many changes in her, it's been so fun. She has even just started throwing little fits...but they are still cute!
But my time is just about over. This trial time of them living here was to hopefully give Bryan time to get a transfer with his job, here to the middle US..but with the economy the way it is, so far no luck..so it is time for her to go back to Phoenix and he can keep trying, it will just be harder if they can move.
So, even thou I get to go back with them and help them get settled...it is a very sad time for me. Yes it will be nice to have my home back, Lynn and my privacy back, and yes, quiet times back, but oh how I will miss these babies...But they have been apart long enough, and they need to be a family again...Bryan can keep trying to get work elsewhere. We would love it someday if they can live within 8 hours of us instead of 20.....next door would be nice too....
So, in 7 more days this house will be empty. Ok..so Lynn will still be here. He will love the quiet and miss the noise all the same...
Then lucky me, I get to go from Phx. to Grant and Ashleigh's in Calif. on June 3rd stay a week with them, then they leave on vacation, and I will get to keep Carter for 10 days by myself...I can't wait. I don't get to see him very often, so this will for sure be a great time. He needs to know how much his Grammy loves him just like the other two do. So poor PaPa will be alone for a month...Maybe he will even miss me before the month is over..ha ha ha
So...other news is Lynn leaves tomorrow actually to go spend the long Memorial Weekend with Grant, Ash and Carter...he needed his turn too I guess...ha
Lynn and I will be celebrating our 35th anniversary this Sept. I can't believe how fast this lifetime is going, but it has been a wonderful ride...Three great kids, now in-laws, and grandkids...and then our life alone again....what more can one ask for...God has Blessed Us.
Here are a few or maybe more than a few pictures of the kids updated....I know they don't change a whole lot to some...but they change everyday to me. The love for this family is more than words can express...
I am not Proud!!