Thursday, October 15, 2009
Oct. 09 Just a few more pic's
Update for October 09

Hello to all...
Not so much has happened in the last 4 months that I have been home without seeing my babies..Lynn and I are good. He still travels on weekly basis..usually every week or two he will go out for a few days to a week. He always is home for the weekends, so we get to golf on Saturdays and Sundays together. I of course play more than that, but don't want to rub it in too bad...ha
All our kids are good. My Mom is still doing very well. She just turned 81 and is great. I get to see her soon, too. My Mother and Father inlaw are doing well too. Dad just had another treatment, they catherize him and shoot chemo beads directly into his liver...and it doesn't really make him sick, just very puny and weak for about a month...then he starts to gain strength again, and goes on with life. Life has been good to him. He has lived so much longer than we expected when he was first diagnosed..Thank God.
As I mentioned, it has been since the end of June since I've seen my babies. Now, mind you, this is very hard for me, but I can't go running out west every other month, so I have really stretched it this time...ha...
As of July 1 of this year, we sold our home. We don't know why!! It was a beautiful home as you can see if you go back further in my blogs...there are pic's of it. I guess we started thinking we needed to buy a house with a little more land, so we put our house on the market the end of May, I left for Amy's and Grant's...with in two weeks it sold, I wasn't to be home till June 23rd...and they wanted a July 1 closing date.....Done Deal....
We are living in an apartment, and we do like it just fine. Rent is cheaper than a mortgage...I have my own personal gym (ok, so I haven't used it yet) belts in which to walk the dog, and they provide poop bags.....I have my own personal lawn service, no charge...and very friendly neighbors...what can one ask more for......We are in no hurry to find something else...We first have to decide if we really want an acre to mow???? Or an old house to fix up????? Cause for those who don't know Lynn Gourley that well...Well he is tighter than a ........ So his price range in not where we will be able to just move in and live, oh no, there will have to be something done..but, till we decide what we really want to do, this almost 1400 sq. ft. apt. is just fine.
So now to fill you in on what I am getting ready to do. LEAVE!!!! Yes, I am going out to get my baby fix. I am leaving on the 26th of this month. Tanner (my travel buddy, my precious babydog) and I are driving out, to Phoenix will be there a few days, then Bryan, Amy, babes and I are all going over to Grant's and Ash's for Halloween. Then we will go back to Phx. and I will stay a week and a half or so, then Tanner and I will go back over to Grant's...about the13th and stay that week, and on the19th Mom and Dad Gourley will fly into San Deigo, we will spend that long weekend at Grant's then all of us, including Grant Ash and Carter will go back over to Phx. to spend Thanksgiving all together. Lynn will be flying in to join us...and Lisa has her ticket, but as a manager of her salon...the big boss told her that it was a black out week, and she couldn't leave. So Mama is not happy at all that my precious daughter will be left here all alone while we are all together out there....Let's take a vote...Quit!!!!! but reality is, she can't. She needs a job, she is 29 and lives out on her own. So it will be very sad without her. But she will go out when she can take a week off and see her brother and sister and babies...
So now yes, as you can see, I am going to be gone a good month or more...then I will be back home first part of Dec. My mom of course will be with us for Thanksgiving. and then she also will be here in Texas with us here for Christmas.
By the way, the night after Thanksg. we are going to celebrate our Christmas together also. Since we all can't be together for that date too.
So lots of goings on. I am very excited for all this to start. Of course it will fly by, and I will have to say goodbye again to my babies for who knows how many months..but you can bet your bippy, I won't go more than 3 or 4 again before I have to see them.
So now I will post a few newer pic's of everyone,
If I don't talk to you again before the end of the year....Blessed Holidays to you all.....and I will tell you more stories later...Love LeAnn
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A few new pictures for those who still check out my blog!

Hi Everyone.
Well, we have moved, again, but this time on our own. We are still in Tx. just about 6 miles from where we were, but now we are in an apartment. We love it here, it turned out really cute, plenty of space for Lynn and I, with perks... Swimming pool, hot tub, workout room, lawn service, free maintance, and instead of our own upkeep, if something breaks...they fix it. Great concept. We like this.. So instead of yard work on the weekends, it's to the golf course!!!! Like that stopped us before..ha ha
One of these days I will post pic's of our new place, meanwhile, you get more pictures of my babies...that's what thrill's me the most.
Until next time, enjoy!!!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Well, to update y'all, I am back home, packed, and ready to move into our new apartment. We are only about 6 miles from where we live now, closer to our golf course, nice, and closer to Lynn's work... We close on this house on Wed. July 1st.
After I left last week from Grant's and Ash's, Amy and Bryan and kids stayed one more day, and Ashleigh took some pictures of Abbi for her 18 month old pic's since Amy never had her year pic's done. Here is my little beauty. Grant and Ash have this fantastic camera, so Ash has become quit the photographer.
Got to play golf today for the first time in a couple months, and I will brag...shot a 94!
So I will update again when I upload all my pictures I took of all the kids when I get settled in my new apartment house.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Well today is my baby's birthday. He just happens to be 28. Yes Grant and Ashleigh just left today on his birthday for Antigua for 10 fantastic days and I am here with Carter. We will have a blast. His Mimi, Grandma Jean, will be coming over from Phoenix to see him too.
But today is also another big day. We put our house on the market for sale 2 weeks ago, and today it sold. Now, one would think that I should be excited....I guess since we did this, we should of been prepared for what we were going to do in case it I am in Southern Calif. till June 23rd in baby heaven...and I have to be packed, stored, and moved out of my beautiful house by July 1st. NO...we have no idea what we are going to do...Has anyone ever went apartment shopping via internet....yep..that's what I am doing....along with freaking out...
So, I know when I get home things will have to happen real fast...and I know I can do it, but, dam, I'm getting a bit old for all this action....ha ha ha
Will let you know later how it all goes!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My Grammy World is Coming to a Sad Ending..
Update for the Spring of 2009
Well, as most of you know, Amy and the 2 kids have been living with Lynn and I now since Christmas. It has truly been a Blessing and a Hardship at the same time if that is possible. We have loved having them here, yet hated it when I had to get mad and discipline...Austin. He is the most Precious, Infuriating 3 1/2 yr. old..So when grandparents don't live with their babies, they are always just precious, but then those times when you are together 24/7 for months at a time, let's just say, sometimes he is not always Precious!!! And little Miss Abbi, we have seen so many changes in her, it's been so fun. She has even just started throwing little fits...but they are still cute!
But my time is just about over. This trial time of them living here was to hopefully give Bryan time to get a transfer with his job, here to the middle US..but with the economy the way it is, so far no it is time for her to go back to Phoenix and he can keep trying, it will just be harder if they can move.
So, even thou I get to go back with them and help them get is a very sad time for me. Yes it will be nice to have my home back, Lynn and my privacy back, and yes, quiet times back, but oh how I will miss these babies...But they have been apart long enough, and they need to be a family again...Bryan can keep trying to get work elsewhere. We would love it someday if they can live within 8 hours of us instead of door would be nice too....
So, in 7 more days this house will be empty. Lynn will still be here. He will love the quiet and miss the noise all the same...
Then lucky me, I get to go from Phx. to Grant and Ashleigh's in Calif. on June 3rd stay a week with them, then they leave on vacation, and I will get to keep Carter for 10 days by myself...I can't wait. I don't get to see him very often, so this will for sure be a great time. He needs to know how much his Grammy loves him just like the other two do. So poor PaPa will be alone for a month...Maybe he will even miss me before the month is over..ha ha ha
So...other news is Lynn leaves tomorrow actually to go spend the long Memorial Weekend with Grant, Ash and Carter...he needed his turn too I guess...ha
Lynn and I will be celebrating our 35th anniversary this Sept. I can't believe how fast this lifetime is going, but it has been a wonderful ride...Three great kids, now in-laws, and grandkids...and then our life alone again....what more can one ask for...God has Blessed Us.
Here are a few or maybe more than a few pictures of the kids updated....I know they don't change a whole lot to some...but they change everyday to me. The love for this family is more than words can express...
I am not Proud!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
End of March Update.
Hi everyone. Well, to catch everyone up, it has been since Dec. 16th since Amy, Austin and Abbi moved in with us. It is now the end of March. I love waking up to these beautiful babies everyday. But, I now know why Grandparents need to be Grandparents, and not parents at our age. hee hee. I have always said I can't get enough, but after these few months, I have decided that maybe just once in a while I've had enough..ha ha Things are going well, Amy gets to get out and work a few evenings a week, even thou I think I babysit alot more than that sounds....but, that's ok. Bryan has been here for 6 days visiting, and we have web cams now so they can see eachother while talking on the computer. Austin loves that. Abbi just giggles. She certainly knows her daddy. Bryan is still waiting patiently. There is a chance that he can get on with the Honeywell in Tulsa, Ok. He has already interviewed with them, so just waiting for protecol to happen, posting the position, and playing the waiting game....Even thou Tulsa isn't here, at least it is within 4 hours instead of 18 like Phx.
So lots of prayers are going out for him to get that job. They really don't want to stay in Phx.
This morning, Sat. March 28th, we opened the back door to let Tanner out, ( my precious getting old dog) and there were snow flurries blowing around. Now 2 days ago, we were in shorts.....That's Texas for ya. They love the idea of living where there are seasons again. Hopefully that will happen soon.
For those of you who don't know, Bryan is living with my mother in Phx. waiting to get this transfer while Amy and kids are here. They will give it another month or so, before they resign that fact that she has to move back to Phx.
Lynn and I are....well fine... I know this is harder on him than me, but those babies still get alot of attention from him. Austin is a non-stop talker, so since Lynn is use to peace and quiet, cause I never talk...ha ha ha ha....ok...Im just not non Austin, that does get old after awhile. 31/2 yrs my, what an age. We get away by golfing on the weekends...and .....well nothing else. ha ha
Amy, the babies, and I are going to go to Kansas to Mom and Dad Gourley's for Easter. We will be staying longer than Lynn can stay, and Lisa can't get out of her 2 we will go up to see how Pa is doing...He says he is good. The treatments that he is having on his liver cancer are helping somewhat...they inject kemo beads directly in to the liver thru catherization, not like regular he doesn't get sick really, just weaker for a few days. He is already weaker isn't too bad..Thank God he still has no pain, and feels pretty good. Mom, is good too, but I know how much she does for him, and so she is more worn out than he is sometimes...but we need to get those babies up there again to see them. Well, here are a few new pic's of these precious children...I always like to share them with you the way.....I get to go out to Calif. to Grant and Ashleigh's house most of the month of June...I will be babysitting Carter for 10 days while they are gone to Antigua on vacation. So I am going out early to see the kids and prepare, then stay a few more days after they get back to see them again. I can't wait to go be with that little precious man for awhile...I only think these 2 are too much after awhile, from the stories from Grant and Ash, he is a real handfull......Can't wait. Bye Y'all
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I went to Hawaii for 6 days....

So every year for the past 5 yrs, I was one of the lucky ones that got to join a girls group of my cousins, for a annual girls weekend. So one year we were in San Jose at cousin Michelle's house, one year at cousin Mary's house in Fountain Hills, AZ "Phoenix", one year here in Dallas when I hosted it, then last year back in San Jose at "sister" Nancy's house (very good friends with the cousins)and then this year, one of Nancy's good friends that joined us for a day last year, offered her place in Hawaii this year. So of course we had to take advantage of such a wonderful and generous offer, and off we flew on the 11th of Feb. for 6 was a glorious week there. She lived up in the mountains in Wiamea but it was only 20 -30 minutes back down to the beachs. We had lots of beach time, shopping time, sightseeing time and of course eating and drinking times...all in those 6 days. So I am sharing with you a couple pictures that were taken along the way. The one of us having a steam bath was over on the east side of the island near the active volcano...but the funny part of that picture is it reminds me of the times my kids were little and we watched Sesame Street..and they sang that song....Which one of these is not like the others.....
well, guess who's always "hot"....and that steam melted us and soaked us in minutes...
The flowers were just shots I took when I thought it was so beautiful...and of course our group..
What a great time we had, and the memories will be wonderful....Thanks Grace.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
2009 WOW

Is it just amazing, 2009 has arrived, and we have 3 grandchildren.....
We had a marvelous Christmas, with all the kids coming to Texas, then we all went to Kansas, had Christmas with Lynn's folks, and his sister and family, what a great time we had. Dad is doing well at this time, he had a wonderful Christmas with his kids and grandkids and great grandkids with him.
Glenda and John were invaded, but, I do believe they truly enjoyed it too.
Fun times were had by all...Our kids even thought they were funny wearing old Christmas clothes to make us all laugh...
Here are pictures from our time at Glenda's and mom and dad's and then again back in Texas...our 2 weeks flew by, but Thank God, we had that time together...LeAnn
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