Our Gourley Family has received some very bad news. Dad has been having lots of test done, and they have found Liver Cancer. Lynn and I drove up to Kansas last week to go to the Onocologist appt. with them, and also Glenda drove over from Marysville, and we all went in the office to hear what the doctor had to say. Besides the liver cancer, there are some other things that come into play, that he said there was no treatment that would really help. Mom and Dad are going to K.U. Med. Center for a second opinion next week, to see if they know of any treatment that will help. The good news is, dad is not in any pain for now, he has lost down to 173 lbs, so that makes him weak, but he is still able to come and go with naps in between like he has always done. So they have decided to go and do somethings that they have been wanting to do, and #1 priority is to go see those great grandbabies. I know, later, when dad gets weaker, my kids will go to Melvern with those babies so they can see "Pa" more. Dad will be 80 next month, and like he says, he has had a great life. For the past 34 years, I have had the most wonderful pleasure of being his daughter in law, #1 he calls me, but I am the only one also...hee,hee... He has been my other daddy and how blessed I have been to have him in my life. He was blessed with 5 grandkids, and so far has 3 great grandbabies, and if you thought he was crazy about those grandkids, you should see him with these great grandbabies...They have their pictures at the eating bar, and talk to their pictures every day.
We hope and pray that we have dad a long time from now, but only our Lord knows when the time will be. The pictures up above are the ones that I took last weekend while we were home seeing them, and there was a party on July 4th, for dad's nephew Wayne, turning 70 and dad turning 80....plus working in the horse and mule pen. Such cowboys... For those of you who have had the honor of knowing Joe Gourley, you know what a kind and wonderful man he is. We just ask for prayers that our Lord will let us keep him with us for many more years...
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